Our Lord Jesus healed many as a sign of the reign of God come near and sent the disciples to continue this work of healing. With gifts of prayer we remember now those named here:
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email or call Diane McIntyre at dialmc@gmail.com | +1.586.306.0140
Or contact our church office by email HERE or call +1 586.731.1113
O Lord, mercifully regard your servants who are bound with the chains of addiction. Give them strength, that they may be freed from fear and guilt and be restored in you to the liberty of the children of God, now and forever:
Mechelle Pietryka
Merciful God, in the stillness of our souls we listen for your voice to know again that you are God. Quiet our restless hearts with the knowledge that you are near us, keeping watch. Rekindle our faith and light the lamp of hope within our hearts. Then take us by the hand into each day that lies ahead, for where you lead we can confidently go:
Charlene Capron
Warren Challis
Jean Kaydos
Donnie Paine
Jean Schmekel
Sharon Schmidt
Lord Christ, you came into the world as one of us, and suffered as we do. As we go through the trials of life, help us to realize that you are with us at all times and in all things; that we have no secrets from you; and that your living grace enfolds us for eternity:
Tom Grunewald
The Johanson Family
Friends of the Kelly Family
Sarah, Stephanie,
and Sheryl Wendell
Nieces of Karyn Hatcher
God of all grace, we give you thanks because by his death our Savior Jesus Christ destroyed the power of death and by his resurrection he opened the kingdom of heaven. Make us certain that because he lives we shall live also, that neither death nor life, nor things present nor things to come will be able to separate us from your love:
Family and Friends of
Diane Tennant
Heavenly Father, giver of life and health: comfort and relieve your servants listed here, and let your healing be known through those who minister to their needs,
that they may be strengthened in this time of trial and have confidence in your loving care:
Dave Anderson
Abby Beauchamp
Niece of Steve & Lenore Barshaw
Grace Beachnau
Great Granddaughter of Eleanor Stolzenfeld
Henry Beachnau
Great Grandson of Eleanor Stolzenfeld
April Bond
Friend of June Riggs
Phyllis Bourgess
Friend of Phyllis Hubbard
Jolie Briskey
David Brisson
Friend of CeCe Lesner
Terry Carmody
Michelle Cutlip
Daughter of CeCe Lesner
Adam Facemeyer
Son of Kim Ostin
Arthur & Christa Faria
Parents of Monika DeLuca
and Grandparents of Elise Doppel
Carol Fournier
Sister of Tom Grunewald
Heidi Groeb
Niece of Dennis Stern
Dee Gruber
Friend of Cece Lesner
Sam Hamama
Friend of Karen Herman
Lynn Huff
Michael Jones
Brother of Kim Quigley
Maggie Klein
Friend of Judy Urbin
Joan Klug
Wife of Dave Klug
CeCe Lesner
Barbara Osborne
Pete Padden
Roseanne Powell
Kelly Rafferty
Friend of Judy Urbin
Lily Rodgers
Granddaughter of Jerry and Lynn Huff
David Stanow
Brother of Diane McIntyre
Gil Stanow
Geoff Wiers
Larry Woodruff
Linda Zegary
Friend of Geoff Weirs
Loving God, in every age you listen to the cries of lament and questions about your wisdom from your servants who face great suffering. In this time of distress and despair, hear the cries and questions of those listed here and their family and friends. Stand with them in their suffering, that they may face the future with the confidence that nothing can separate them from your love:
Ryan Bowling
Friend of Diegel family
Sue Frank
Diane Johanson
Friend of Sue and Nelson Kelly
Michael McKenna
Grandson of Gil Stanow
Tim & Shannon Ross and Family
Son of Mark & Ena Ross
Kristen Schmidt
Daughter of Sharon Schmidt
Andy Wayne
Friend of Deacon Keith and Susan Miller
Kyla Wendell
Sister-in-Law of Karyn Hatcher
Mighty God, mercifully grant strength to the weak and comfort those who suffer, that their sickness and pain may be turned into health:
Ernest Cowan
Friend of June Riggs
Phyllis Hubbard
Heather Kennedy
Cousin of June Riggs
Ruby Knighton
Helen Miller
Mother of Deacon Keith
Susan Miller
Laura Ochs
Friend of Sharon Bracher
Ena Ross
Corisa Sibel
Daughter of Cece Lesner
Becky Sowatzke
Daughter of Jan Nank
Noah Whitney
Friend of Diegel family
Cole Yahara
Great Grandson of Eleanor Stolzenfeld
Gracious God, as you have called people to be earthly leaders in your kingdom, grant them all a right spirit of bold trust and wisdom so that their work may stir up in each of us a life of fruitful service:
President & First Lady Biden
Governor Whitmer
Bishop Don Kreiss
Imran Siddiqui
Vice President of the ELCA
Deacon Keith Miller & Family